Teaching An Old Spine New Tricks

Teaching An Old Spine New Tricks

Chiropractic Scottsdale AZ Old Spine New Tricks

We’ve all heard the expression, “You can’t teach an old dog new tricks”. I’m not sure if that’s true or not---I’ve always been more of a cat person anyway. But as a practicing Chiropractic Physician for over twenty years, I do know it is possible to align abnormal spinal curves even if they’ve been in the wrong position for decades!

As a corrective care specialist utilizing the most researched, peer-reviewed techniques in spinal and postural correction as well as non-surgical spinal decompression, I have seen many cases where patients’ chronic pain resolves and many cases where scheduled surgeries are cancelled. Whether one has scoliosis, humpback deformity, swayback or severe forward head posture, the specific adjusting and gentle stretching protocols we use can often reduce or completely correct these abnormal spinal conditions that ultimately cause pain and disability.

Many patients over the years have expressed frustration that they were never told about these corrective techniques. There are several reasons why this happens. The postural corrective care we specialize in wasn’t part of Chiropractic school curricula until recently. Unless you learned the techniques at a post-graduate level training you weren’t exposed to the techniques. So of all practicing Chiropractors, a relatively small percentage practice corrective care and non-surgical spinal decompression techniques. Basically, most patients have tried relief care approaches without seeing pre and post x-rays that validate spinal correction. In our offices we have always shown that even in severe and chronic cases, very often corrections can be made that not only provide pain relief, but slow the degenerative effects of an abnormally aging spine.


8:30am - 6:00pm

By Appointment Only

8:30am - 6:00pm

8:30am - 6:00pm


Ally Spine Center

10565 North 114th Street #109
Scottsdale, AZ 85259
Phone: (480) 809-4700
Fax: (480) 809-4704

Ally Spine Center

Proud Member of

Fountain Hills Chamber of Commerce
Rotary Club of Fountain Hills
Lions Club of Fountain Hills
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Scottsdale BNI Titans